A hand extended to children and families of Ntarabana

Ntarabana is a geographical area south-west of Uganda, in the Buhara county in the Kabale district. Much of the area is located at 1,800 meters above sea level and is inhabitated by the Ugandan Bakiga tribe.

The aim of the Projects is to support children and families who live in absolute poverty and give them the opportunity to grow and develop their potential.

The story of a meeting – the beginning of a new life.


Modificato dalla Mappa OCHA

Thank you for your interest!

Your generous contribution supports the funding of the Ntarabana Projects!
Wire transfer

To: Associazione Ntarabana Project
Credit Suisse Account N. 0456 114 6704 81 (CHF)

IBAN: CH28 0483 5114 6704 81000
Payment description: Education Project or Family Centre Project