About the founder

Lucilla graduated in languages ​​at Bologna University and now works in Lugano, Switzerland.  She comes from a big and beautiful family from which she received great values, that form the foundations of her whole life.

In 2003 while she was going through a particularly difficult time, she went on vacation to Africa, Uganda in a very poor village on the border with Rwanda: Ntarabana. There she had an unforgettable experience that deeply touched her. In an almost absolute poverty and in total absence of comfort, among poor and vulnerable people, she experienced real life and immense joy. This affected her and positively changed something inside her.

She returned from that experience deeply transformed. The gratitude for what she had received, especially from the children and young people, lead her to ask herself what she could do to reciprocate.

She started helping from the basic needs of the people.

Some months prior to her departure to Ntarabana, she had read the thesis of Dr. Pastor Mpora (see Pastor Mpora, Integral Human Fulfillment as a Natural Foundation of the Family, Rome 2001) a Professor of socio-political Philosophy who studied in Rome, but who was born in Ntarabana. She knew that he had asked for funds to finance the construction of a Centre to help the families of Ntarabana, joyful by nature, but of disarming poverty. She was immediately reminded of this request, that in fact it meant a lot to her because for her the family has always been very important. So, she started to finance, from her own means, the construction of a small place where families could meet.  
On vacation in Ntarabana she had met many children and young people from the village who had no money to pay their school fees. So, she thought of the poorer ones and she started paying their school fees.

Without any idea of where it might lead, in 2003 she began to pursue two humanitarian projects that would later become the Ntarabana Projects, strongly motivated by what she had personally experienced. These two projects are the Education Project and the Family Centre Project.

She seeks ongoing guidance by attending cooperation and humanitarian projects education courses.

Despite the many daily challenges, she is very happy to follow Ntarabana Projects Association not only because of the beautiful unforgettable personal experience she had in Ntarabana, but also because it gives a significant meaning to the ultimate ends of her own life.

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Wire transfer

To: Associazione Ntarabana Project
Credit Suisse Account N. 0456 114 6704 81 (CHF)

IBAN: CH28 0483 5114 6704 81000
Payment description: Education Project or Family Centre Project