
The peasant society in Uganda continues to suffer from poverty and lack of adequate equipment. Despite the many efforts over the years to alleviate these problems, there are no promising outcomes. At Ntarabana village the situation is dire.

Although the Ugandan government is trying to take action to tackle the problem by providing primary and secondary education, many people, especially from agricultural areas, cannot afford to pay the fees.

Infant mortality rates are soaring and because of malnutrition, many children suffer retarded growth.

The Education Project is based on our conviction that proper education of Ntarabana kids and youth can effectively change this painful situation of poverty and that people are not destined to remain in their difficult conditions for the rest of their lives.

The project is aimed at children and young people from Ntarabana from elementary school to university age who live in extreme conditions of poverty.

Children and youths at Ntarabana are in urgent need of help

We personally support several children and young people. In our aim we am supported by a close network of really precious family members and friends. Their generosity, responsibility, perseverance and trust never cease to surprise us.

Any sponsorship is welcome.

Please contact us with your thoughts!

Thank you for your interest!

Your generous contribution supports the funding of the Ntarabana Projects!
Wire transfer

To: Associazione Ntarabana Project
Credit Suisse Account N. 0456 114 6704 81 (CHF)

IBAN: CH28 0483 5114 6704 81000
Payment description: Education Project or Family Centre Project